Urologic Health Tips & Resolutions for 2018

We all know that the most popular New Year’s resolutions are to eat healthier and lose some weight, but have you ever considered what changes you should make for your urological health?
Taking the right steps to help boost and keep on eye on your urological health is key, because diagnosing urologic health isn’t as simple as stepping on a scale.There can be problems that only a doctor can diagnosis, which means anything you can do is a big help.
Here are few tips for keeping your urologic health in mind for 2018:
Men’s Health
1) Schedule an annual prostate exam.The key to successfully treating prostate cancer is early detection, which means an annual prostate exam is a must.
2) Help prevent kidney stones by limiting your sweet tea consumption.Yes, it is delicious and the perfect drink for those humid days, but too much sugar is linked to the development of kidney stones. Just swap out your sweet tea for unsweetened or try water with lemon or lime.
3) Stop smoking.You have heard time and time again how smoking can lead to emphysema and lung cancer, but did you know it has been linked to bladder cancer?
4) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Did you know that your diet can play a major role in your urologic health and chances of developing certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer?
Women’s Health
1) Make sure you do your Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor, which is a series of muscles. These muscles help support your bladder and bowels, so exercising these muscles through Kegel exercises can go a long way.
2) Drink plenty of water. This is important for overall bladder health and will help you understand your bathroom schedule, which is important to know if other problems arise.If you have a hard time drinking water due to a lack of flavor then try adding lemon or lime.
3) Avoid too much caffeine and alcohol. Yes, that morning cup of coffee is crucial and who doesn’t love a nice drink with their dinner, but over-consumption of caffeine or alcohol can lead to an overactive bladder.
4) If you aren’t feeling like yourself then don’t be afraid to see a urologist. We know it might seem awkward to visit a doctor and talk about urological problems, but doctors are here to help! The women’s health doctors at UCA are accepting new patients.