UCA Enrichment Program Assists Employees with School Aged Children

Starting Tuesday, September 1st, Urology Centers of Alabama (UCA) launched the UCA Enrichment Program, a program created to assist employees who have school-aged children who are learning from home this semester. The purpose of the program is to provide a safe, supervised site for children in grades K-8 to complete virtual learning, offer homework assistance, and take part in planned activities and discussions.
“With the uncertainties of school openings and closings related to COVID-19, many team members expressed they did not have a plan in place for how they would be able to balance their work life and the needs of their child/children who would have to complete classwork remotely. The UCA Enrichment Program will help relieve some of this burden on staff and enable employees to continue working in their present capacity,” says Susie Wilkinson, UCA Clinical Director.
The program is being held at the Hilton Birmingham at UAB. Parents can pull their cars to the main entrance of the hotel, where they will be met by a UCA Team Member who will check children’s temperatures upon arrival and escort the children to the meeting space. The program is being supervised by qualified personnel degreed in early childhood education and development and will be available every business day that UCA is open from 7:30am – 5:30 pm beginning September 1, 2020 – October 30, 2020.