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Mutant Protein May Change Treatment Plans for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in American men and remains a significant health risk. Scientists at Southern Research in Birmingham are studying a mutated protein that could hold the key to both […]

cancer treatment, men's health, prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Urology Centers of Alabama Patient Testimonial: Prostate Cancer Treatment

THANKS TO MY HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: In January 2017 as part of my annual physical the PSA test showed an elevated level. A follow-up test confirmed that number. Thanks to Dr. Colvard (Brookwood Primary Care) […]

cancer, cancer treatment, Dr. Brian Larson, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Dr. Lutz Discusses Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Dr. Austin Lutz was recently on FOX6 discussing Prostate Cancer Awareness:

prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Treating Prostate Cancer

Cancer is a term that will get everyone’s attention. Physicians at Urology Centers of Alabama (UCA) see and treat cancer every day, but we understand that for the patient this can be shocking, as well […]

cancer, cancer treatment, Dr. Brian Wade, prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Dr. Duggan visits Protective Life

In recognition of June being Men’s Health Month, Protective Life Insurance Company hosted a Men’s Health Fair for their employees. Dr. Mell Duggan was invited to participate in the health fair and answered questions the […]

HIFU, kidney stones, prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment, stone disease

Don’t wait to check for signs of prostate cancer.

When I began my urologic training 25 years ago, more than 75 percent of patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer had incurable cases because the disease already had spread to other parts of their body. […]

prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Prostate Cancer Still a Leading Cause of Mortality in Men

Prostate cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in men. In 2015, an estimated 221,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed and 28,000 men will die from prostate cancer. Although the […]

prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

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