Staying Healthy and Safe During Your Next Office Visit

Based upon recently updated CDC Guidelines, UCA continues to implement additional safety measures at our locations to help prevent transmission of COVID-19:
- Upon arrival for your appointment, we will continue assessing each patient for possible exposure or infection using our COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire, and taking temperature checks. This will be for patients and caretakers.
- If you must bring someone with you, we ask that they stay in our waiting room and not come back to the exam room due to the increased number of people.
- UCA is recommending that all patients wear a surgical or procedural mask or a cloth face covering if available, regardless of symptoms, upon arrival to the facility and for the duration of the time while in the facility. See CDC Guidelines for face coverings below.
- Patients and/or visitors wearing facemasks or face coverings should perform hand hygiene before and after touching or adjusting their covering.
- Remember: Wash or Sanitize Your Hands Frequently.
CDC Guidelines for Cloth Face Coverings, Facemasks and Respirators
- Facemasks and cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
- For visitors and patients, a cloth face covering may be appropriate.
- Don’t have a facemask? The CDC has created a helpful video on how to make a facemask –
If you still feel uncomfortable coming to your appointment, do not worry, give us a call and we can move your appointment to a Telemedicine visit!