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Sexual Medicine

Urology Centers of Alabama is recognized as a Center of Excellence in Sexual Medicine, with a focus on erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease (curvature of the penis with an erection), premature ejaculation, low testosterone, and the treatment of urinary incontinence. Led by expert urologists, Dr. Brian Christine and Dr. David Qi, the Sexual Medicine Center of Excellence offers men who suffer from sexual dysfunction several advanced treatment options designed to help reignite sexual intimacy. These solutions include:

 Dr. Christine has specialized training in the medical and surgical treatment of men’s sexual health, spending time with recognized leaders in the field learning, observing, and operating. Today, his practice exclusively centers on erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, premature ejaculation, low testosterone, and the treatment of urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy. He has authored and coauthored articles on surgical treatment, lectured as an invited specialist, and traveled extensively to demonstrate surgical techniques. Dr. Christine is a member of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, the International Sexual Medicine Society, the European Association of Urology, and the International Continence Society. Read more from his bio here.

Dr. Qi focuses on the Urological issues of urethral stricture disease, female and male urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, and a number of additional urinary conditions. Read more from his bio here.

 As a Sexual Medicine Center of Excellence, UCA provides specialty clinics for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Low Testosterone where our team takes a compassionate approach to helping men understand how to administer their treatment options – whether topical treatment or self-injection.

 The ED clinic is led by Dr. Christine and a dedicated staff of three registered nurses who are trained to treat ED. The clinic is specifically set up to help men who choose to use injection therapy or other treatments besides oral medications. To learn more about our treatment options, check out our video library.

 UCA also offers an in-house dispensary for erectile dysfunction patients who are prescribed oral medication.

The Testosterone Clinic, led by Eric Westerlund, CRNP, helps identify solutions to balance your hormones for optimal health and wellness. In the Low Testosterone Clinic, our team works with each patient individually to create a personalized plan.  This includes comprehensive lab testing and an in-depth review of personal health history. If testosterone is low, our physician, along with the nurse practitioner, will create a treatment plan based on the patients’ medical history and risk factors, lab results, types of testosterone therapy, and proper medical follow up visits.

 To learn how UCA’s Sexual Medicine Center of Excellence can help bring intimacy back into your life, contact us today.

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