MonaLisa Touch Testimonial: What the procedure has meant for me

UCA has been offering the MonaLisa Touch procedure since 2016 and we have so many satisfied patients. One recent patient, Stacey, wanted share a testimonial on what the procedure has done for her:
“A couple of years ago, I noticed some discomfort when my husband and I were intimate. I began to notice vaginal dryness and itching, not only during intimacy with my husband, but also at various other times. After having 3 children and experiencing some premenopausal symptoms, my body no longer felt youthful.
When I started working at Urology Centers of Alabama, I was introduced to the MonaLisa Touch procedure. After speaking with Dr. Rookis and my husband, I decided this was the treatment for me.
Mona Lisa Touch is 3 treatments occurring 6 weeks apart. Each appointment was a little over 30 minutes, but the procedure itself took 5 minutes. I experienced no pain, only some mild discomfort the following day.
For me, I noticed great improvement after the second treatment. Of course, after the third treatment, there was a total rejuvenation. The discomfort that was experienced when being intimate with my husband was gone. There was no longer a need for lubricant in order to feel comfortable during intimacy.
I would highly recommend the Mona Lisa Touch for anyone wanting to reclaim the most personal moments, that special closeness, in their relationship.”