Employee Spotlight: Sandra Brown

Meet Sandra Brown, one of our most tenured nurses at Medical Center West. She’s been at UCA for nearly 15 years! Her spirit and enthusiasm makes her popular among patients and staff, and we are so glad to have her on the team!
Q: Where are you from?
A: Westfield, AL
Q: Where did you attend school, high school and beyond?
A: Wenonah High and Lawson State
Q: How long have you worked at Urology Centers of Alabama (UCA)?
A: 14 years in September
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at UCA?
A: The people and the doctors
Q: What advice might you give to a patient that’s nervous about his or her appointment?
A: Don’t be afraid. My doctor and I are here just for you.
Q: Do you participate in any volunteer programs?
A: At church
Q: Tell us about your family, i.e. spouse, kids, grandkids, pets, etc?
A: I have the greatest husband in the world. Married 44 years! He is truly my rock. We have one daughter and son-in-law who we adore. My grandkids are the smartest in the world. (I thought everyone would say that about their grands! Ha Ha!)
Q: How do you think your best friend would describe you as a person?
A: You cannot find one better than she is!
Q: What is your favorite weekend activity?
A: To rest
Q: Pick a color that describes your personality, and tell us why.
A: Red – If you were in church with me, my red flame would help keep the spirit high.
Q: If a movie was being produced about your life, what famous actor or actress would play your character?
A: Della Rees
Q: What song do you karaoke to when you’re alone in your vehicle?
A: I’m so grateful, I’m truly grateful
Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up and why?
A: Housewife
Q: If you were stranded on an island and you could only take one object, what would it be?
A: Food
Q: If you could go back in time and meet one historical figure, who would it be and why?
A: MLK – he tried and did so much for our people.
Q: If you had to pick a theme song that played every time you walked in a room, what would it be?
A: Here I Am
Q: If you had to be an animal, what would you choose?
A: Little Cub
Q: If you could trade places with any person in the word for a day, who would it be? This can be a celebrity, historical figure, fictional character, etc.
A: Peter in the Bible. I’m always opening my mouth.