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I can’t believe this is happening to me! The ABC’s of Erectile Dysfunction

“Doc, I can’t get it up.” “Dr. Christine, my penis doesn’t work anymore.” “I have ED and it’s killing my marriage.” No matter how a man tells me he has Erectile Dysfunction (ED), he is […]

Dr. Brian Christine, erectile dysfunction, sexual health, treatment for ED

Dr. DeGuenther discusses investing in the patient

For Clete Walker (CEO of Virtuo Health), the idea to bring together physicians focused on elevating treatment of prostate cancer is personal. Years ago, when Walker’s father faced the disease, Walker was shocked to find […]

Dr. Massie stops by Fox 6 to discuss MonaLisa Touch

Our very own Dr. Massie was on WBRC Fox 6 News, to answer a few questions about MonaLisa Touch, the latest treatment for women suffering from vaginal atrophy.  For more information on MonaLisa Touch, visit […]

health, sexual, sexual health, vaginal atrophy, women, women's health

Dr. Duggan visits Protective Life

In recognition of June being Men’s Health Month, Protective Life Insurance Company hosted a Men’s Health Fair for their employees. Dr. Mell Duggan was invited to participate in the health fair and answered questions the […]

HIFU, kidney stones, prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment, stone disease

7 Steps to a Healthier you!

The team members at Urology Centers of Alabama care about your health and wellness. And with June being Men’s Health month we wanted to share some tips to keep you healthy.   -Stay active, even […]

50% of Bladder Cancer Victims are Smokers

It’s known that smoking can lead to diseases, such as lung cancer. Now, more and more discoveries are linking smoking with bladder cancer. According to the National Institutes for Health, smoking is an important risk […]

Don’t wait to check for signs of prostate cancer.

When I began my urologic training 25 years ago, more than 75 percent of patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer had incurable cases because the disease already had spread to other parts of their body. […]

prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

50% of men in their 50s experience symptoms of BPH

One of the real joys of being an aging male is the opportunity to get up more at night to urinate! And learning where all the rest areas or nice gas stations are on the […]

Peyronie’s Disease: An Uncomfortable Truth, but New Hope

Every clinic session in my schedule invariably includes several new patients who have been referred or who have sought me out themselves to address curvature of their penis during erection. Most often these men suffer […]


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