A Week in Lisbon – International and European Sexual Medicine Societies

Dr. Christine and I were recently invited to present/lecture at the International and European Sexual Medicine Societies in Lisbon, Portugal.This is a very prestigious meeting where sexual medicine physicians from around the world gather for a week of learning and collaboration. Dr. Christine presented a video explaining expert surgical technique when combining a penile implant with a male urethral sling to treat both erectile dysfunction and male urinary incontinence. I moderated a session about sexual endocrinology as well as presented research that Dr. Christine and I have been doing on successfully treating climacturia/orgasm associated incontinence with a male urethral sling.
Throughout the week we also attended a myriad of lectures on penile and scrotal aesthetics. Procedures for reducing scrotal webbing to give more visible penile length, girth enhancement techniques and even tape procedures for lifting fat pads off the penis were all described. Genital aesthetics appears to be an emerging theme across the globe. Breast implants have been widely accepted by society for decades while procedures for male sexual enhancement have fallen by the way side. This is an exciting time for men who are not completely satisfied with how they were born. Dr. Christine and I are very excited to be able to help these men out.It is rewarding for us to see how a minor procedure can completely elevate a man’s self-confidence and change his life.
Towards the end of the week, Dr. Christine led an expert panel on penile surgery. One of the interesting topics presented was a lidocaine eluting penile prosthesis to give prolonged local anesthetic up to 2 weeks after surgery. This concept could mean that patients would experience much less discomfort after surgery as well as get back to sexual function more quickly. It is novel concepts like this that continue to advance the field of sexual medicine.
This was a very successful meeting in a beautiful location. Dr. Christine and I are always very enthusiastic about relaying the knowledge that we have about sexual medicine to other eager minds in the field. We also always take away new and innovative procedures and techniques that we cannot wait to introduce to the men in the southern United States who seek us out for help. The field of men’s sexual health continues to evolve and we plan to continue to grow with it.